
Bauen Build constructs the healthiest, highest-quality homes in our region. Above all, we value honesty and personal integrity. We are upfront with our customers with every detail of your project so you feel empowered and engaged. We never cut corners. We always use the highest quality materials. And we’ll talk you through every step of the construction journey.

We want you to be completely satisfied with your project that can be enjoyed for generations to come. In a disposable society, we are one of the few construction companies building projects to last. We care about the work we do.

We are constantly learning and researching to ensure we utilize the highest quality products that rely on science and performance to ensure your home can perform better than you expect. We build exclusively passive house homes to ensure you have the highest performance, comfort, and quality.

We empower and enable you throughout our design process. It’s how we intimately extract the true essence and needs of a project.

Humble and Passionate – We Love What We Do
We put our egos in check to really drill down to your needs and deliver democratic results.

Let’s Work Together